RE:Free Cash Flow vs Net IncomeWhen I lose faith in a stock or company I usually sell my shares and move on. I stop all research into the company and don’t revisit the Bullboards that I used to frequent. There are plenty of opportunities out there and I don’t like to waste my time. My investments are selfishly my own. I don't really care how others invest their money. Unless they are related to me I will not dissuade them from their choices. I don't even do that very often because of the chance I may be wrong. So when I see people come onto these sites and religiously attack the value of a company I scratch my head. Either they are the most altruistic MFer I have ever met or they have a more nefarious agenda. I have made up my mind as to what side Bloomfield18 is on and what he is about. Nobody cares what you have to say anymore so move on.