RE:Question... Inputs appreciatedLet's keep in mind that TLD1433 isn't a substitute for BCG refractory patients. It's the only treatment for those patients. BCG is not a part of the current trial. BCG had it's opportunity and failed. This trial participants only undergo scraping and TLD1433.
So ya need to ask yourself which treatment would you prefer as a first time bladder cancer patient? scraping w/BCG or scraping w/TLD1433?
Hopefully there is a news release before end of September regarding the treatment of the next 6 and 30 day follow up for some of them. Let us see where the stock price is after that news. At some point the market won't ignore the news and the small time stock price manipulations will be blown out of the water with the flood of demand. Continued success and at some point a camel is going to try and thread that needle.
Ponching wrote:
Given the upcoming changes with the BCG supply in 2018 that makes Merck as the sole supplier for the US and Canada, I would assume TLT is going to be in a better position to get a FDA fast track and/or Break through status right? Making sure that there is another treatment available in case of a BCG supply shortage.
A number of reports have stated that this potential shortage will probably have a big impact to the NMIBC patients. Also read in some of the reports that Merck's BCG is a bit inferior in efficacy compared to Sanofi's BCG but this is another story for debate.
Also, quite a few immunotherapies in Phase 2 trials for NMIBC treatment needs BCG as a combo treatment.
I hope Roger can give us a better idea of our chances getting that FDA Breakthrough status in the next quarterly report.