RE:RE:People, understand one thing ...Yes, I may be a fool, but Oberman would be a much greater one if he has not already recorded the maximum in goodwill/asset value write-downs possible. Perhaps he has even over-stated them in order to be as conservative as possible, and to ensure that things can only get better from here. He, and his professional advisors, know that this is essential to re-establishing credibility for the company and separating the current management regime from the clowns of the past.
So, you are right, I do not expect any further write-downs. Of course, that does not mean that there will not be any.
The Company's assets were not worth what the Thompson gang paid for them. I am quite certain that even they knew that, but they didn't care. Theirs was simply a pump and dump game, at which they essentially succeeded unless a future criminal investigation catches up with them. But the assets, and the Company as a going concern, are worth something, and, once the restructuring is completed, that "something" could be much more than the amount of the long-term secured debt.