Interesting post lavenderInteresting post lavender!
I am taking available information and distilling it through my own personal filter and presenting a perspective-my perspective. Its my personal view of the company's future possibilities. You may have a different view and thats all good. Your view appears to be influenced and coloured by past history and the long-time flaccidity of the share price and that's understandableand deserves no rebuke.
Speaking of share price I have never before made reference to it but have always only dealt with the progress of the company. I realize people are here to make money and are not disinterested in share price performance. To that I can only say that things often go along a certain way for a long time and continue to do so and the they don't and then they change.
In 2007 the stock markets had been going up for years as had house prices in the US. Books came out saying the Dow would go to 100,000 within ten years and house prices double again in five. Critics were mocked because the momentum had been all one way for years but then it suddenly changed. The S&P fell by over 50% and the NASDAQ by 85%. Things change.
The past ten years don't matter now. Either the company's fundamentals and progress support optimism for the future or they don't. The present is the fulcrum point. The future is the validation one way or the other of a positive or negative assessment.
I have no idea what the stock price will do in the short term and don't much care. If my assessment is correct it won't much matter in a couple of years. If you're a short-term trader or swing-trader you make the call.