We got us a mine!Finally.
Mr. Market may not be stoked yet, but I certainly am.
It's the first stage of Berukoff's plan.
They're using treasury money for the work, so that will reduce the $57 million Capex totals. (Which Includes $7 million contingency) If they can get the mill financed by the builder that would reduce the amount needed even more, so that debt financing rather than dilution via warrants or other means may well not be needed and a good finance package quite doable.
Putting a bunch more of the local Nadians to work on infrastucture should please the Fijian government.
The $48 mill market cap is a joke, of course...less than a year's mining profit for what looks to be a much longer mine life than 7 years. (and the mine may see a lot higher production levels. Hear-tell they're designing the mill area to allow for the possibility of doubling capacity)
There's some exciting times coming for this company. Folks thinking of buying in or buying more would be unwise to tarry.