The Tuvatu High Grade Gold Project is a world class discovery with near-term production opportunity.
Although the rest of the caldera may well contain a lot of gold, its not like it hasn't been prospected. It will take a lot of good analysis, drilling, and trenching which will take us a while. LIO is good at it.
Meanwhile , with Tuvatu and the rest of the original tenemant areas, Emperor in all likelyhood picked the best lands back when, and its getting ready to prove up and produce.
They didn't mention it in the last news relace on groundwork, but they're also working on an assay lab area. That would be great to get one going on site. (Apparently assays going to Vatakoula now.) You need that quick turn around time assying ability going as quick as you can.
Also, a while back there was talk about the mine plan calling for 2 new declines that will meet up down below. I assume to allow for one way traffic when they're mining.
They are also to enlarge the existing decline to allow for larger machinery and access. Obviously it will need to be joined with one of the new declines.
It would gratifying to see some new, improved maps of the area.
Onwards and downwards.