HELPI am little confused, I do own shared of PUF. MARI, WMD, MYM, and scratching my head every time I hear about takeover scenario,
I do not smoke weed, and really dont know what percentage of Canadians population does.
Here is my question if someone could elaborate.
It appears to me many growers hava a huge productions plans, including ones I owe.
I am estimating by year end of 2019 WEED, ACB, APH, CMED, MYM, PUF, MARI, WMD and others will have aprox. 10 Million sq, feet of warehouses.
My understanding is that production runs around 100,000 kg per Million sq, feet X 10M sq. feet = 1M kg. of weed or 1 Billion grams
That is equal to 1 Billion joints of production in 2020,
Further if you devide that with Canadas 35M people, that equals to 36 joints for every living human in this Country,
WOW we will be depleting ozone layer,
Who in the hell will absorb all this weed produced in 2020???