RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Who is dumping?ConfidentDD wrote: You're investing in MJ stocks at 64? Probably because you didn't invest in AMZN, MCD, AAPL, FB, TD, BRK, MSFT..... 17 years ago.
PruneFace wrote:
I'm not sure what the DD stands for but I can think of one thing. I'm 64, I retired at 47. I've managed my finances just fine, thank you. As for Smitty, just go back to the first post he directed at me. I may be old but my memory and tongue are still sharp.
You're not that bright, are you? Let me say it again a little louder and slower so you might get it. I.....RETIRED......AT.......AGE.......47!!!!!!!!! I didn't win a lottery or have a rich uncle who croaked, or married a rich widow, so you figure out how I was able to do that. It involved a goodly portion of luck, sure, but it wasn't from being stupid. About 85% of my portfolio is in banks, revenue generators and cash. But when you get to be my age it takes a little more to get the blood flowing. There are pills to put lead in your pencil but I also like the excitement of gambling. My preferred venues are the stock markets, as opposed to casinos, ski hills or race tracks. I like playing with loaded dice, in my favour of course. I'd like trade shots some more but I have a tee-time to get to.