RE:RE:RE:Permitting Hi All,
Rather think that having Snow White become our primary focus gives us flexibility and time to adapt Silicon Ridge Project form the upcoming regulations and conditions, but i would tend to beleive current available informaton is rather encouraging in regards of silicon ridge.
Last week, Quebec Gov started to let out some information about their definitve actions in regard of "caribou protection plan". Most of the complete stuff is in french, but you can find some info in English.
Une aire protge de 10 000 km² pour le caribou forestier
Mainly, the gov decided to officially protect (thats just a start for the protection plan) a 10 000sq km area and another 2380 sq km that they put in reserve for future protection when possible.
That "reserve" section is interesting. Within that zone, mining activities (only exploration at this time as no current operation in the zone) can continue (maybe not as usual, that is to be determined).
Mainly, the government is giving mining companies that have mining rights/claims in this "reserve area of 2380 sq km" 4 to 10 years to prove up resources and economic viability of a project(+ conditions and tbd params) to be granted an exclusion of their project footprint from the "to be protected area".
I think it means the governement is prettry aware that economic activities are also very important (and that qc mining laws/regime prevent active claimed lands to be transformed into protected areas).
The conditions for developement of the project have not been published yet, at that is probably what will be released this coming spring. I think its fair to say that those will be guidelines for all projects within caribou protected areas.
I would tend to think that its a bullish sign for Silicon Ridge Project, but we have to wait and see what will be the "conditions and parameters" to bring a project online.
Une seconde zone de 2380 km² sera par ailleurs dsigne comme « rserve de territoire pour fins d’aire protge ». Dans ce cas, cependant, « un potentiel minral a t identifi », a indiqu le cabinet de la ministre Isabelle Melanon. Selon la plus rcente version de la carte des titres miniers actifs au Qubec, il existe en effet des « claims » actifs sur ce territoire cibl pour son importance pour le caribou forestier. Certains ont mme t demands rcemment.
Le ministre de l’nergie et des Ressources naturelles permettra donc « la poursuite des activits d’exploration minire », et ce, pendant une priode variant de quatre dix ans. « Si, durant cette priode, l’exploration minire permettait de reprer des zones minralises correspondant des critres dtermins, ces zones seraient exclues des limites de la rserve l’tat afin d’y permettre la poursuite des activits minires », a dcid le gouvernement.
Buyhigheatchips wrote: I agree. A couple factors in our favour for Silicon Ridge though:
A relatively small footprint and close proximity to an existing operation.
Le prsident de Boralisation s'oppose la dcision du gouvernement d'autoriser l'exploration minire sur un territoire de 2380 kilomtres carrs.
Il y a de quoi sourciller. Le gouvernement permet l'exploration minire dans l'habitat du caribou forestier alors mme qu'il annonce son intention de le protger.