A new weekof renewed optimism. Sorry for my little freakout last week. I always stress PATIENCE. Meanwhile I lost patience and .... Became one so to speak. LOL>
With our 2nd round of lab testing due virtually any minute. I'd fathom a guess it will arrive this week.. My opinion > According to my own calculations 1500 hrs has already run out. But please do speculate your own timelines.
When Robert finally announces battery grade ... Well.. We all know what that single announcement/accomplishment is poised to acheive. Clayton Valley will undoubtably be turned on it's head.
Brine producers in the area have recently reported diminished brine saturations (reduced % rates) which is to be expected over time. Dillution. Simple dillution.
From a spectator point of view, I'm sure many have noticed the sudden interest in Clayton Clay acquisions in recent weeks and months. Which tells me there is much posturing of majors and minors alike to gain a foothold on future potential production resources.
I would expect the same sort of posturing will occure with an extraction tech such as ours to capitalize on these high % clay sediment Lithium sources. IF the same posturing occures to secure a feasible tech, and IF we are fortunate enough to become the "go to" extraction company. It should make for intesting times in Enertopia's ranks. To to mention, some appreciation and support of our SP.
IMHO- It would be superb seeing our SP not only exceed , but sustain the $13M-20M Mcap level. We can all agree I'm sure. It is long overdue.
Patiently trying not to become a patient. LOL