2018 Well, the big question, of course, is when the rest of the mine financing will be announced, and in what form it will take. Anyone's guess. (besides management). I believe that they have a plan in place, but that we may have to wait a little while still to see it. The presentation says that they still have C$25 mill in the bank, (somewhat surprising). If they do a deal with Ansteel, (or similar), like they spoke of 18 months ago.then its doable, barely......Ansteel will also provide vendor financing for up to 80% of the anticipated value of the EPC Contract in the form of a Deferred Payment Amount of approximately US$39,000,000-$44,000,000. The Company will fund a minimum of US$10,000,000 or approximately 20% of the anticipated value of the EPC Contract.
There too was earlier talk about gettiing vendor financing for the processing plant.
More money may eventually be needed. Perhaps Red Lion will lend the company money again, (at 9% int) as they did before.
When the financing situation is resolved there will be a good appreciation of the share price, imho, as a number of investors may, for good reasons, be waiting for resolution. The company may be thinking that a (hopefully small) dilution may be warrented in the future (with the share price much higher) in order to fund a robust drilling program. The original Navilawa submission said we'd spend $15 mill in 5 years there, though it didn't specify what yearly amounts were and when. Plus there is so much to pursue at Tuvatu and environs.
For the $2.6 billIon Pretium Mine, Ian Chang worked there starting in 2011, the year after the forming of the company. He managed the feasibility study and subsequent development of Brucejack, They went gung ho on drilling with 7 drills going. In 2011 and 12, they drilled 177,000 meters in 480 holes.
(of course with a previous drill hole grading 16,949 grams per tonne gold uncut over 1.5 meters. who could blame them)
Perhaps they're going to go after Tuvatu-Navilawa the same way. I'm sure Mann and Chang would huzzah if they did. (as would I) Lets see whats down there, and keep the new assay lab going overtime.,,,tout suite.
2018.......Its difficult to make predictions for share prices other than I believe investors will be pleased. and then, perhaps, quite, and then, maybe, very.