"Annualized Q1/18 revenue"Asking for clarification/feedback as I have not received a response from IR about this yet......
In the most recent news release the PHM highlighted "Annualized first quarter revenue was between $18 million and $19 million"....
Now in my world ( and the dictionary's) annulalized means "" is to convert a rate of any length into a rate that reflects the rate on an annual, or yearly, basis."
So working the math backways.... are they saying that their Q1 was $18 to 19mil divided by 4( or 4.5 to 4.75 million) which would be astoundingly bad? if it is "annualized" then it is about 1/4 of F17 revenue....makes no sense at all
Or was it a typographical error meant to say that in the quarter they billed $18-$19 mil? Quarterly revenue of 18-19 million is something to brag about as a highlight....annualized revenue of 18-19 mill is not. Quarterly revenue of $19 mil would represent 20% revenue growth if annulaized to (19x4) $76 mil....$19 million annualized revenue is a 75% decrease in revenue.
Any thoughts people?