stop the non senseWhy there is all this useless non sense being posted, lets keep this constructive and informative. First of all, it looks bad for someone new whos interested investing in a company and second it makes us share holders look like 8 year old kids, if you dont like the stock any stock in fact ,Get out!! simple as that. we all have different time frames for seeing returns.
I personnally have some short term investments that i expect to perform pretty quicly and some longer term holdings which includes FF.
I personally think the US dollar will continue its downward path for some time yet, after every resent rate hike by the fed there was innicial bounce in the us dollar and metals sold off, but it did not last dollar dropped even further. dollar is down more or less 10 per cent in the last year this means americans are getting less bang for the buck on any imported product so pretty much anything sold at wall mart. sooner or later this decline has to show in the inflation numbers reported. yes interest rates are going up but so is the inflation so you could but your money in bonds and loose it all with inflation.
I think this is avery exciting time to be in metals and miners exspecially if the inflation gives a surprice to the upside, i think we will see interest rates and metals go up together.
good luck to all