Next Eskay Creek? A lot of P.Geo's think so !!!!
Firstly the newly discovered 5.5 km long Inca Trend is located on the Empire property in the world class geological terrane of northwestern British Columbia this discovery was made as a result from rapid glacial and snow-pack recession in the region. Inca contains many drill ready targets and is in close proximity to excellent infrastructure and has road access. One of many zones discovered is Rockstar it measures 1000 x 550 m with 450 m of vertical relief, remains open in all directions. Rockstar is located along the newly discovered 5.5 Km long Inca Trend that contains widespread polymetallic mineralization in bedrock and potassic and propylitic alteration indicating a large porphyry feeder source at depth. Inca provides for multiple strong drill targets for the upcoming inaugural 2018 drill program.
The second drill ready target is Big One, it is located -5 km north of the Inca Trend and is a large geophysically indicated, strongly conductive tabular body measuring 1000 X 800 meters that extends to a depth of 300 meters and remains open. This subsurface conductive body is hosted in a layered sequence of volcanics and comes within 30 meters of the surface. The tabular shape of the conductive body, the presence of sulphides including chalco pyrite on surface, and the presence of marine fossils in the area are all strong indicators of being in close proximity to what was a hydrothermal vent system, a black smoker. These results demonstrate Big One has strong potential for a Eskay Creek style VMS at depth and is also planned to be the focus of the inaugural drill program on the Empire property in 2018.