RE:RE:RE:BANX , you lying scammer. charging to $1? rimbus wrote: The only person you need to start a class action against is the drooling goof that stares back at you in the mirror. They should force people to take intelligence tests before being allowed to open a trading account but if they did that the banks would lose out on millions in trading fees. Did you know that stocks can go up....AND down? There is no evidence of malfeasance here...none. Only the locations are loading more slowly than we'd like.
Yeah Itwaru is the CEO of FGD, Chairman of FTEC and his brother runs Peeks. You're the first to connect the dots on that one....
You better watch out what you call a fraud. You have provided no evidence of fraud. That's libel. lscfa aka lionstar (because his old account got banned) would be more than happy to provide you with links to people whose real names got outed and who got sued for calling companies frauds on Stockhouse.
Well said. Fraud? lol.. Are people here retarded? Has anyone seen the price of Bitcoin and other cryptos? How does this board expect this stock to go up when the blockchain bubble has deflated. I think many here need to look in the mirror and admit they got caught in a bubble and invested thinking they can make a million dollars with a few thousand dollar investment within a few months. Cryptos are going to zero. Or not exactly zero but they will fall over 95% and this will go back right where it was before this bitcoin and crypto scam started....10 cents, no matter how many locations they add. Cryptos are the biggest bubble and transfer of wealth this world has ever seen.