snakes & ladders??Now we have to see who placed the snakes. Now we need an explanation from management and I mean top management what changed. I believe that the results from drilling got into the wind . As long as management or any big investors never dumped during this time. If management dumped then a few calls to the TSX will be in order.
Is the drill still in the ground, only 300 metres. They announced drilling today, but rig moved to site last week so they never started drilling before today. At lease that is what the NR says. I'm going to watch for answer on this one. Just hope that everything went by "THE BOOK" You can't drill today and have the results back the same day and if they only drilled 300 meters it's very easy to keep it quiet. You only need 1 company man to see the cores not all of them and the drill crews know that you keep ur mouth shut.
No we see what the company says that is what matters now!