Deal Makers manipulated the share price down.Sleazy tactics to lower the purchase price for Hecla, and grant Klondex BOD and management cheap options.
In the past 4mo
-Negative Grade reconcilliation announced at True North. Mine downgraded to care and maintenance
-20% downgrade of FC resources. A press release to announce mine depletion, incredible !
-Huet has the "flu" and Q4 results are pushed out a month. Then to add insult to injury the call is incredibly downbeat. They make a "special tax" payment that results in big loss for the quarter. Miss on guidance and provide no actionable steps to solve the Hollister recovery problem.
There is a possibility they may start announcing good news after the transaction is approved but who wants to trust investment capital with a bunch of thugs? KDX and HL have strategically carved out the flesh and bone marrow of shareholders to fatten their pockets. It would be naive to assume you will not be treated to more abuse in the future.
I agree KL is without exception the best of the best, but lets keep the discussion focused on KDX .