CJR IMO is trading on sentiment. CJR IMO is trading on sentiment, not fundamentals. So all the calculations are nice but not the issue.
We already got great news and the overall short momentum paused. Who ever was stupid enough to short at mid $5 is likely very worried. At this point a short has $6.64 max travel to zero. VERY UNLIKELY. But if the short goes wrong, running up back to $12 is extremely likely. I would argue that back to $24 is more likely then down to zero.
what is puzzling to me is that long guys seem to be strait up. The short guys seem to hide behind lies?!?
If someone likes to go short, go ahead. You like to explain your possition? Great. Why claim you are long and bring up fake topics?
I’m long! I don’t hold my breath for $16 or $18. But I believe we are going up.