RE:I believe this is dropping Monday. Place your bets. Unfortunately, you are probably right. The best indication that the stock will go down tomorrow is that solarman has been jerking himself off furiously the last 24 hours. I haven't been paying attention to this board the last year or two, but I would read every day before that. I truly can't remember a time when solarman was correct. The stock going over 40 ... the impact of NJ ... he would make predictions daily based on Ray Lesniaks (sp) tweets only to absolutely eat sht. It's amazing that someone can lack so much self-awareness that they can persist posting garbage for literally years.
I still own a bit less than 5,000 shares so I am certainly hoping for a nice boost and I hope that I'm wrong. But given solarman's track record on literally everything, it does not seem to be in the cards.