RE:Emailed TNALoubastoned, so you actually believe it's not management's fault the audit didn't get done in time???
if you take your taxes to H&R Block on April 30, I guess when CRA penalizes you for being late you blame H&R Block because they didn't file in time.
Management knew when they had to file but didn't have the foresight to be prepared. 4 months is a long time but many other companies have the same year end so it seems management can't forecast very far ahead in the future.
Really have no idea why this is a public company, they are not raising capital, the stock is not being promoted and they are are paying huge fees to trade on a stock exchange and all the requirements with it, like filing audited financial statements by the deadline.
Hope there is more to this company than what we are seeing like an exit strategy or end game that makes us all some healthy gains.