New COO, New CFO, VII GEN 2.0 What is refreshing and exciting, will be next quaters report with a no nonsense COO. VII generation has the resource now they have the brains, they also have the balance sheet.
You have a new CFO that has worked with cash strapped resouce companies that really have no opportunity of making money and carry boat load of tier2 debt. VII generation will be a cake walk coming from that type of enviroment.
The Gas Plant issues, and the issues that exist when liquids outstrip gas, and the design of these plants will be a top priority of they companies going forward.
VII generations is now ready to charge ahead, and this COO will drive drown costs and finally share holder return will rise up as important.
The great resource we all know is there but management has to confirm for the shareholders they are going to be low cost and deliver a profit.