RE:RE:Goldcorp to invest 3.7 million in CJC, MAT andSFXI am in total agreement with you 7plus7 but what is the alternative? Matamec cannibalizes a piece at a time its assets until it faces bankruptcy going forward and then really lose everything? The insiders always had an upper hand in front of retailers no matter the outcome.
Look at it another way. You can always try and multiply whatever you can get out of the deal later on but you can never multiply if you eventually losing everything with 0 cash in hand.
When Andre Gauthier the CEO retired so did the real reason of Matamec went with it. The remaining board of directors could not come up with anything better.
Remember Quest Rare (QRM.TO) ? The retail shareholders lost everything, except Matamec shareholders are getting something. It's sure something to think about. I am not happy of the outcome but do we want a repeat of Quest Rare to happen to Matamec shareholders?
All in my opinion.