NCIB May TransactionsSee CanadianInsider for the last 10 transactons
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Insider Name | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume or Value | Price |
May 23/18 | May 15/18 | H&R Real Estate Investment Trust | Direct Ownership | Units | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | -2,999,700 | $20.35 |
May 23/18 | May 15/18 | H&R Real Estate Investment Trust | Direct Ownership | Units | 38 - Redemption, retraction, cancellation, repurchase | 2,999,700 | $20.35 |
May 3/18 | Apr 30/18 | Rutman, Ronald C. | Control or Direction | Units | 47 - Acquisition by gift | 50,000 | $20.62 |
May 3/18 | Apr 30/18 | Rutman, Ronald C. | Control or Direction | Units | 47 - Disposition by gift | -50,000 | $20.62 |