Dirty Money: weaker Valeant = Aurora
Yes, Valeant was king of Pharma "growth through Merger and Acquisitions". The advantage Valeant has was it could acquire drug companies and jack up the pricing until the house of cards fell down. Aurora can't do that. Aurora has no moat, don't expect the price appreciation to hit anywhere Valeant's Darling Status.
In fact, the only moat it has are filled with crocodiles from the inside.
As for the longs who say "Sell, Sell" yes, give us time!!!! This might not be the right time to sell/short! But you can be sure I will sell through short selling.
Excellent documentary. If you don't have Netflix, worth the subscription
Here was the scam on the pharma price hikes that Aurora can't leverage. Fortunately, Martin did end up walking the plank!