Hype and KneeJerk Reactions Daily Are Just DiddlingYou can read my previous posts I am a no nonsense guy.
As stated prior:
1) This stock is almost twice as volatile as the S&P 500 with a beta of 1.84 when the market goes down this stock goes down more.
2) The announcement of the dilution to fund the Sky Sports acquisition has dampened a lot of the hype sorrounding this stock.
3) A recent unreasonably pessismistic but thorough analyst report valued this stock under $40($36.50) by Veritas. There are also optimistic analysts who value it at over $50+ but I haven't seen any substance behind those reports.
Based on the reports it is not unreasonable to value this company at between $40 - $47/share with a lot of uncertainty about management's plan to capture synergies and growth from the Skysports acquisition.
4) A substantial demand for this stock is likely coming post Kentucky ruling and as more states adopt sports betting.
Overall I expect that until substantial positive news comes or until the market improves, this stock will continue to flatline or decrease.
I am waiting for the bump from the Kentucky lawsuit before I worry about the SP or monitoring the stock.