Given upI had hopes for this company but as many others have, got disillusioned with them and sold
out around the $! mark. The pace of developement has been excruciatingly slow and of course
in the mining game, you usually only have a window so long to get off your butt and move your
project into production. Now with such foot draggging, the dynamics of the world has taken a
nasty turn for the worst and thanks to Trump has become very unfavourable for all commodiites
including the PM's. Interest rates are on the rise and who knows how long before the cycle turns positive again. They are not the only ones to get caught but from past experience, its very
tough to hold when the cycle turns negative. Non producers always get hurt the most and I'm
glad I sold when I did. I still hold a few other names but they at least are producers so have
retained more value and will bounce back quickly as they can finance their expansions and
are operating way under the cost of production. GLTA for those still holding.