According to an analyst posted as of July 2, earnings will be announced on August 2. Analysts expects: $ 0.02 per share! 166.67% up from last year of $ - 0.03. If realized, a big applaud is due to EFR management team who did an exellent job managing the co. in this tough climate.
"Energy Fuels Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:UUUU) is expected to announce earnings on August, 2., according to Zacks. The EPS diference is $0.05 or 166.67 % up from last years number. Previous year: $-0.03; Analysts forcast: $0.02. UUUU’s profit could hit $1.59M with 28.38 P/E in case $0.02 EPS is reported. Wall Street sees -114.29 % EPS growth as of August, 2. The stock decreased 2.99% or $0.07 during the last trading session, reaching $2.27.Energy Fuels Inc. is uptrending after having risen 25.81% since July 2, 2017. UUUU has 1.53 million volume or 121.07% up from normal. The stock outperformed the S&P 500 by 13.24%....."
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