Tick tock :)At this point in legalizing for recreational use, I like that Supreme holds a lot of cash. Supreme is going to rapidly expand to full build-out of 342,000 soon enough (not including lot 16 facility), with decent revenue under their belt. It will be interesting to see what kind of California experience strains will come out of the indoor facility on lot 16, and if Supreme will use the facility for anything other than growing.
Anyone want to take a guess when a TSX uplist might occur? :)
I'm excited about the 10% potential with BlissCo, because of their extraction, processing, packaging, distribution model.. and their international sales after sales amendment. News suggests the amendment will take place in late Sept.
It seems that many other company build-outs that had an early licensing start are taking longer than was anticipated. I believe it might be best that markets are not flooded wiith product out of the gates, come legal rec. It seems practical to imagine getting provincial and municipal laws and bricks and mortar in order first. Our government is a little slow, unfortunately.
I'm sure hoping 7 Acres' products will fly off shelves for at least a while... and some strains to become a staple in lives of customers. If that is the case.... :)