Project TimelinesThe May Presentation Timeline Chart {Pg. 22} indicates that plant commissioning is scheduled to commence The first week in Sept., and continuing thru to end of Oct.. Also full operation is just 10 weeks hence according to the timelines,with our first shipment anticipated in about three months.
I hope these timelines hold and that the expectations will be met.
Of equal importance is the status of our finances. The last md&a indicated about 12 million in operating capital and we must be using up a lot with all of the ongoing construction and admin. charges.Do we have sufficient reserves to get us to production?
Another huge item is our ability to meet our obligations following production without additional revenue streams from new agreements which were supposedly close to conpletion months ago. Even with new Off-Takes signed will we be able to meet any such production requirements without upgrades to our plant and additional manpower? If so will our revenue stream support our project until these additional requirements can be met?To the best of my recollection the Greenland authorities have only granted mining 200,000 tons to meet the OC contract, will they quickly issue liscense to double or triple production or has this already been granted?
Hud management should be giving shareholders answers to many of these concerns otherwise we continue to be mushroomed.