OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
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BywrongKon Sep 12, 2018 5:11pm
Post# 28608237
Fuzzy NR = Fuzzy Math...where is the CF Fuzzy O ?
Fuzzy NR = Fuzzy Math...where is the CF Fuzzy O ?would of been real simple for the CFO to have delivered cash costs per ounce in the NR. But they didn't...so what are they hiding? Otto's First Law of Mining News Releases: Considering that anything contained in a mining news release is presented in the best possible way for the company in question, any piece of information contained in a NR that comes across in any way negative means the real news and/or events behind it must be very, very bad indeed. . ,so let's dissect the NR. Only in ...."effectively reducing the initial $300/tonne CAD operating cost to $190/tonne CAD in the recent month" MONTH...not months...so 4 months of higher mining costs. did this include mill costs or just mining costs? The way I read the paragraph...it's only about mining & costs...NOTHING about mill costs ( 2 very different operations). Nothing about hours worked...I assume it was continuous....so... "Mine production was able to achieve up to 2000tpd" * $300 * 30 = $18,000,000 per month in costs...just for mining let's look at the revenue side...."mill production was up to 800tpd.*7.05*.916/31.1 ( yes hammer...some here know how many grams in an oz of gold...some dofuss's don't)*30*1190 USD...unsure where the 12% dilution resides in the algorithm...= $5,892,484 USD/month. And that's "up to" ...wonder how many days mill thru-put was zero? So for 4 months...expenses were up to $72,000,000 with the maximum revenue of $23,569.936 USD Freak...that's even worse than an earlier estimate of $600K/month losses. That's my guestimate of revenues from the tidly bits in the NR. Being Wed...I assume the clever fingers on keyboards here will be attending the Flat Earth Society, Gold Manipulation and Rainbow Flag mtgs and will be unable to provide their usual insight.