RE:I haveHey--you are asking for a crystal ball prophecy. I have to agree with those who credit the trade war with a price pullback, and BOA-ML just released a report saying stocks are overbought, economy is slowing and money managers are pulling farther out of commodities. That said, Zn goes into construction materials and this year seems to be one that requires a lot of reconstruction from hurricane/typhoon damage. Right now I don't see any way to predict a time of return to $1.40, but given the fact that the company continues to get stronger each day on the basis of assets, cash and, creditworthiness than it was when it was this high, I still think it's now a matter of "if?" but "when?" Most on here are underwater and are impatient for the price to return to normal. Sorry not to be more helpful, but see no reason not to be hopeful.