BM and his credibility...
a lot of you guys seem to take whatever BM has to say for cash. remember now, he works a mining stock pumping site. His site receives money for promotion. Looking back a year ago, BM gave everyone his 5 best, best, best miner stocks for 2018 .. First on his list was CBR.v was at .35 then, and now .235 second, ANX.t was at .065, reverse split 4/1 = .26 . now, .20 number 3 on the list, mek , at .09 , and now, .04 , number 4 was DNI.c, was at .085, and now .05... What I am getting at is sometimes, we are caught up in his colorful way of telling a story, and we think the guy is real, that he ''just know's'' well, to my great expence, HE DOESN'T . I will use one of his quote's though to finish off , '' when it is too good to be true, it probably isn't ''