I have been reading a lot of sour grapes about junior mining.It could be worse.Be thankful
we are in Canada.TMI has been battling Bolivia for years and now after 2 years have been offered peanuts from a Tribunal.RML has all it's assets confiscated from Venezuala.We have been in a Bear Market for all commodidies for the last few years.Everything runs in cyles. On average every 7 years.LAD on venture has gone through 4 owners over the last 30 years and I believe this time around it might work out for the new owners.A lot of money has gone into Bidcoins and I believe that is yesterdays story.Cannabis is hear to stay but a lot of money will be lost and only the well
financed will survive .Mining is coming back and it is the only gaim in town.
The new slogan is from FANG to BANG.You can all figure out what BANG means.