NZ now ranks below Pakistan for oil destinationIts really the NZ government who have screwed us TAG shareholders. Rather than attacking management how about going after the NZ government for pulling the rug from the industry? In fact, the NZ company Greymouth Petroleum is suing the NZ government as they didnt even consult with the oil and gas industry as per what is required in the Act to make such an abrupt move. The NZ government is the ones who have cost the TAG shareholders multiple millions of dollars that will never be recovered.
Frasier Institude NZ now ranks below Pakistan as a oil destination.
New Zealand’s reputation as a place to explore for oil and gas has slumped on the back of worsening perceptions of political stability, according to an international survey.
New Zealand ranked 46th out of 80 states and countries, in the latest Fraser Institute
Global Petroleum Survey. That is down from last year’s ranking of 14 out of 97 investment destinations.
Poorer political stability was the chief factor behind the drop, the report’s authors say.
I cheer the TAG management for getting this pig with lipstick sold and establishing operations in a better jurisdiction. Im voting yes on the sale.