U are correct 80% of sales
we're Amazon just in vancover . Where they generated 2.2m revenue . 4 weeks ago they went live . Anything goes where they will deliver anything . Groceries beer food cloth mmj . Now they have Calgary that just went live Saskatoon to follow and everett. App getting a upgrade so they liscen it out . Soon to be delivering for choo with more mmj compaines coming . Expected to hit another 6 major cities 2019 . Cashed up for 18 months . Market is valuing pkg 6 times earning . Worst case 12m rev inwhich is a 96c share price. I am expecting 16.8m to 20m. What shorts lmfao ????? There was next to nothing ever shorts on pkg . Q1 to be profitable . Imho alot more deals coming that just another 6 cities which will add another 20m rev to the 16.8 to 20m for 2019 . Pkg is a multiple dollar stock all day long . A massive run is soon upon us . But the ps4 for the soft bash .