Friday Close contestso far.....
Mick $70/moon (I also believe in unicorns)
GogglesPizano $63.50 (Best friend is the Great Gazzo)
JennyLonglegz $63 (on average, women make better investors)
CMC888 $62.10 (CMC Music Factory?)
jboom $61.85 (Unabomber freind?)
Webswinger $61.75 (accoring to his 200iq) (Brag much?)
Free55dom $61.63 (Almost 56) (soo.... you're retired then...?)
Krisruna $61.50 (cauliflower samosas please)
Antham $61.25 (has 4 kids in university)
Yesweedcan $0 (I LIKE living with my parents)
Lets go folks, I'll even enter the haters (as long as I don't have you on Ignore, which I probably do).