RE:RE:RE:RE: Big investment groupsIt's hard to respond to someone who does't know what he is talking about. There is no equalization fund. Newfoundland does not pay into an equalization fund set up to transfer wealth from the oil producing provinces. Neither does Alberta, Saskatchewan or British Columbia. Payments made to provinces that qualify for equalization come out of the general revenue of the Federal Government which is collected from all Canadians in all provinces and territories. Payments are made to provinces that qualify based on fiscal capacity, that is their ability to generate revenue to ensure that services across the country will be somewhat similar. Is the formula perfect? No, but it is better than nothing. We here in NL would like to see changes in the formula that recognize that we have a relatively small population spread over a large land mass which drives up service costs considerably. Instead of reviewing the provisions of the formula this year the Federal Government decided to extend it for another five years, until 2024. Yes, Quebec gets the highest payment in terms of absolute dollars, but on a per capita basis Prince Edward Island gains the most. My advice to you is don't post until you are sure you have the facts.