RE:Top 44 Cannabis Stocks Ranked by RevenueCURA has a Market Cap of $4.3 Billion with $32M in quarterly Revenue, you're buying the stock at 134 Times its quarterly revenue.
PLTH has a Market Cap of $233M as shown on RBC and Stockwatch but to be reasonable lets increase it to $400M just to be fair. With quarterly revenues of $4.9M you are buying the stock at only 81 times its quarterly value. Plus we all know Sales for March was $5.4M so if Q2 comes in at April $5.4M May $5.4M and June $5.4M, thats quarterly sales of $16.2M and if you're buying today using a Market Cap of $400M then you're buying stock at only 25 times it's quarterly revenues while folks buying CURA are buying stock at 134 times quarterly revenues. Amazin!
ALL imo!