It was at $8+ and it will be back there shortly,,,Shaw had to discount its stake to sell it quickly as they faced a substantial payments for their 5G investment. Having said that, the whole situation raises questions regarding Shaw management quality!
First they missed on wireless and then had to chase Rogers and Telus to catch up and then, as it would be a surprise to anyone buying on a credit, came the settlement time and they had to discount their position in Corus to sell quickly.
Had they have a quality management in place, they would not missed the boat on wireless, would not have to play catch, and most importantly, expecting coming settlement, they could have disposed tranches of shares on the open market over time. Granted, such proceeding would put pressure on the stock price, but not to the tune of approx 15%.
Anyway, Corus will rebound along the whole market, because as anyone can see now there are forces that not one company, not even sectors of economy can stand against. In short the force I refer to is Mr. Trump and his unpredictable policies, that is; tarffis or maybe no tarifs, and again no tarifs but then tarifs back on the table.