Just a thoughtHad a thought about the chocolate; Who's to say they don't produce some without any THC or CBD? 4 Billion Grams of chocolate from my DD could be produced so you produce what meets Demand for the THC/CBD Market and perhaps the rest you produce just as a high end product without the THC/CBD for normal retail markets. Just a thought! from my DD i think they could get .05 cents a gram for normal high end chocolate with no THC/CBD and if that's all they produced it be a potential $200 million in gross sales. We know they will produce some with THC/CBD to meet demand but why not get the whole line up and running? If they plan on producing the whole 4 Billion grams with THC/CBD in it that would lead to gross sales of over $500 million easy. That be off da charts! Just a few thoughts. Always DYODD, GLTA and all IMO!