Question - Was RCG's...
58k indicated gold ounces factored into the assets ?
How are the $18 mil liabilities tallied ? Are they strictly debt
owing or, share debt from offerings ? What is the exact amount of ( cash debt owing ? ) Significant difference if, debt was derived from share offerings vs true cash debt owing.
I don't have access to sedar on this small tablet..grrrr.
Also, has anyone ( factored in ) another bulk ore sample and say...another 5,800 gold ounces could, could, might, be milled ?
And, on what basis is the valuation based on ? Nearby peers ? Or, current market conditions ? As i see it ... All good juniors are way under valued and...given gold is around $1700/CDN vs what gold juniors are being valued at, it most certainly doesn't favor the junior nor investor, but rather, those who are scooping up the Juniors at wicked low prices and taking them private or, foricing junior into massive financing which pulls the value away from investors, and places the value into the private sandbox between junior + financier = whereas... Junior can juggle the numbers in run costs and the project ends up with junior well paid on the books with financier well looked after via junior paying high's all how one jugles it, Columba it, and tinkers.
If the current " guy " thinks .20 cents is too high... And mindset has been " conditioned " into valuating at current junior comparables " most all are under valued " then...i do thank you for pointing this Certainly not the leadership I'm looking for....I prefer aggressive forward action leadership, who can take a project forward and is not afraid of merging or grafting in another project to become larger than status quo... Junior sector is quite competitive. But I find most are in stuck mode...this is a time and season where leadership can recognize nearby projects and grow when the opportunity arises...certainly not a time to sit back and wallow - spinning in the same circle...many Juniors I find, are caught on the revolving wheel...too scared to make an aggressive move forward....and the results ? Is exactly what I'm seeing across the sector...stagnation, with limited risk, too scared to rock the boat...while many Juniors could be almagamating to bolster their assests, and bring all the more value to themselves + investors...many have marveled at the two majors - uniting....yet, this junior ndustry should be in full swing of uniting with each other... It would clean up the Juniors, add more value to the Juniors who do, and bring solid value to investors = end outcome = pull the Juniors out of this mess of low valuations = create higher valuation with less dilution. It's how I see it....cheers !