RE:LongHauler - Read last post PAT WAIVER got Killed Department of Defense.....hmmmm. Are you suggesting you are 100% CERTAIN and POSITIVE PAT do not have something in the works with Raytheon? If so explain exactly why
Are you also CERTAIN and POSITIVE the FCC will not grant a limited waiver to include additional professional Security corporations the opportunity to operate product? If so explain exactly why
Let’s be clear, Patriot Ones limited waiver for high power usage during testing phase ONLY is what it is. Not applicable to commercial roll out or sales of 2.0 whatsover.
Below is a snipit from Raytheon’s 2015 Patent application. Interestingly and of note the below Raytheon’s verbiage speaking to exactly what PAT are attempting to achieve with the limited waiver.
Accordingly, what is desired is a low-cost, low power solution that does not expose persons in a targeted area to high levels of RF radiation and which has a high probability of detection of the concealed object and low probability of false alarms. Further it is desired to develop a radar solution for real-time detection of concealed objects on a target’s body at a tactical stand -of range of, for example, 20m-100m( which would permit the operator sufficient time /space to safely nullify a direct threat).
Accordingly to embodiments of the present invention the presence of concealed objects detected by observing the RF scattering response of a target , checking the observed signal against a library of stored RF scattering signatures to find a match.
Theres lots more material related to frequency ranges untilized or proposed on behalf of Ratlytheon. A department of Defense contractor along with contracts for airports etc....
Redacted material from document, not a lawyer so won’t speak to that and why and/or the contents therein
IMO glta DDD