It appears GAIA = oxygenated water to the soil/roots, and CO2 Gro = CO2 infused water to the leaves. From the GrowUp Conference site, description of GAIA: Gaia Water located in Victoria BC and Phoenix AZ has developed a system that creates Ultra Fine Bubbles or UFB and produces over 100 million bubbles in just 1 ML of water. In agriculture this has been a game changer in the fact that we can deliver oxygen levels of 30+ Parts per million and higher where bubblers and stones have around 9 PPM. This added oxygen feeds the microbes in the soil that break down the nutrients and fertilizers for the plants to uptake and grow faster and bigger. Gaia has sold hundreds of units to LP's and growers all over Canada , USA and now into Europe. Our systems can oxygenate anywhere from 45 gallons per minute to 1000 gallons depending on the size of system you require . We are getting anywhere from 13 -28 % more dry weight yields depending on the medium used. Please visit my booth at # 231 at the Grow Up Conference for a demonstration.