WarrantsImpressed that the volume traded today is almost the same as the number of shares even though the share float is more than 3 x higher.
The price ratio of warrants to shares has declined to 1.5:1 whereas a week ago it was over 2:1 when I bought my warrants at 0,10
My calculation of the indifference point is now $1.05; if in 5 years the share price is under the indifference point buying shares would have been the better strategy. That said if the warrant price relative to the share price keeps rising I am going to seriously consider selling the warrants and you the money to buy shares...
So for every $1,000 I had to invest last week my choice was to buy warrants at 0.10 each = 10,000 or 4,444 shares at 0,225 - I chose the warrants.
Now I could sell those warrants for $1,600 and buy 6,667 shares at 0,24 - giving me 50% more shares. The narrower the price differential the more attractive trading back into shares starts to look...
i am thinking that to get to get back to the market cap pre-financing, the share price would need to rise to 0.37/share (assuming no incremental value is given to the money raised in the share offering). If that were to occur I could see the share price moving up quicker than the warrant price as the latter gets nearer the strike price of 0.35
Obviously there could be a lot of arbatriage opportunities with multiple instruments in play: shares, tradable warrants and non-tradable warrants along with Broker Units that might yet be issued. So we could see the spreads narrow and widen over time as shareholder adjust their risk profiles and take periodic profits by selling and buying shares and warrants,
i just hope the shares move up to reflect the previous market capitalization fairly quickly so when the good news starts coming in the shares are at a higher starting point...