This is no Pump and DumpThis is no Pump and Dump,
The last quarter results were my clue to get in, in a big way. I am happy i did so. If you watch the long term MACD you will see more and more people are holding this long term by simply watching higher lows since April 2019. So I believe the new support will be $0.17 starting today the $0.10 is long gone now. The business model and strategies implemented 2 years ago is now bearing fruit and this is just the beginning. Plenty of iron in the fire and one thing that most of us don't account for and that could be very positive for earnings in the future, are the sharing of the contraventions with authorities having jurisdiction when people are crossing the stop signs on school buses. Remember these children come from our beautiful Millennials and any technology as such will be embrace by them and many school boards will be pressured to do so by school parents therefore school bus operators will implement quickly in order to please the parents. So GSI has created a win/win and this should translate in a very profitable startegy.
I am long so please do your DD on this.