jefedeoro wrote: Patriot,
Very well said, here here. The proof is in the pudding, plain and simple. Area 51 grows to BAR border, it grows 800 meters to the west with the step out with Visible Gold, it grows into the Jerime Pluton, and it GROWS and THICKENS in the main Gabbro and the Tabasco zone. Yesterdays drill is just the first of MANY that will be coming out with these kinds of grades and thicknesses, and I stand by my projection that they are on the trail of the source of this gold system, aka, the Mother Lode. And yes, I believe even newbies can understand that, and recognize that idiots who continually post negative nonsense, are just that, idiots.
This is going to be a world class, and very likely world famous discovery, and for those of us who see that, are literally going to retire on this, I know I fully plan to. I well passed being able to pay off my mortage today on a house I bought 4 years ago, but I am not selling one share. Bythe time they have drilled the @#$% out of this thing it is going to be in the dollars range without any doubt. As Marz states:
“We are very proud of the rapid exploration success we have achieved in 2019: A year ago we only had a conceptual model of the gold zones below 200 metres vertical depth and now we have several significant, high-grade intersections at 500 to 600 metre depth. We have now accelerated the deep exploration to continue following these high-grade zones to depth.” He also adds
"that the company may plan for a “greatly expanded drill program” in 2020, which will provide the data required to complete a property wide resource/reserve estimate in early 2021." source -
These guys are like the terminator, they don't stop, they don't get distracted, they are laser focused on the resource, the ENTIRE resource and they are methodically going to drill it until they find every ouce of gold right up to their borders and come out with an Resource Estimate that is going to maximize everyone's profit. I buy more shares every paycheck and will as long as I can afford to. Patriot is correct, this IS being proved up daily, with every drill, every expansion, in every direction, including downward.
I normally do a write up on press releases, but I am exausted from work, and really feel that of all the press releases we have had, this one speakes for itself.
Deeper, thicker, richer. Full stop.
rill hole FA-19-086, which was visually described in the last Wallbridge Press Release dated October 09, 2019, assayed 27.00 g/t Au over 38.39 metres in the Tabasco zone at a vertical depth of 500 metres, further demonstrating the significant gold endowment of the gold system at depth. Further assay results from this hole are pending.
Holes FA-19-090 and FA-19-092, 100 to 150 m away also returned mineralized intersections of significant width along with some visible gold mineralization in the Tabasco zone.
27.00 g/t Au (22.17 g/t Au cut) over 38.39 metres, including
75.02 g/t Au (73.71 g/t Au cut) over 3.83 metres and
82.61 g/t Au (58.60 g/t Au cut) over 7.51 metres, which further includes
201.73 g/t Au (130.47 g/t Au cut) over 2.53 metres
I dont even think GBR has these kind of grades or widths.
They say a picture is worth a thousand i am going to save myself some typing tonight with the following. Look at this picture and ask yourself the following questions:
Does it get thicker as it deepens?
Do the zones come together at depth?
Did they all come from the same place?
Are we getting closer to where this all came from?
The proof is in the pudding folks.
Cheers to all, and get your seatbelts
- Jefe de Oro