Light vs Heavy
The Light Oil is less than 5,000 bbls/day of Oil. The rest of the production is Gas which takes it to 10,000 bbs/day equivalent.
The sales for the light division last qtr was less than $35M (ATH share).
That would really take you down to Jr. miniscule Oil company.
And once the carry money runs out and you have to kick in your half share of the drilling?
Netbacks on the heavy are improving. Diluent pricing coming down.
Revenue on the heavy last qtr was over $180M.
Too bad we had to sell the pipelines and storage assets.
That really added to the transport cost per bbl.
But there was pressure to beef up the balance sheet and they had to do it.
I hope ATH can keep all the assets and get up to $1Billion year revenue.
Then the stock would have to be re-rated.