Bokan advantages is not 1k tpdthrew out 1K tpd just to have a upper number for comparison and wait for any comments. So I guess i'll finish it. TMRC, Northern Minerals, Search, Rare Earth Elements: from 1k tpd to 20K tpd, processing. "processing" is the tonnage submitted to their leaching ----- making a "pls". So,,,,Bokan pulls 1500 tpd, DXTR sort removes 50% ---750 tonnes. Then that 750 tonnes goes to the second flow sheet. That 750 was reduced 50% again ---375 tonnes for going into acid leach. All goes back underground & not into increasing the overall Op-x. The "1K tpd" comparisons is actually 375tpd. Yes, from just 375 tonnes per day, being acid leached, results in all REE's and tonnes of the 6 selected non-REE metals.Titanium, Vanadium, Hafnium, etc.. Northern MInerals is 20k tpd @ 200 tpy of Dy ---- Ucore is 375 tpd @ 85 tpy of Dy. 7.3m tpy Vs. 14k tpy. No one has come here & shown a more robust mine. Definitely not @ a 14k tpy comparison.