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3 Sixty Risk Solutions Ltd SAYFF

3 Sixty Risk Solutions Ltd provides risk mitigation services to the public and private sectors. It offers services primarily in the risk management spectrum, from providing secure transport services nationally, to embedding security specialists within Canada. The company also is focused on physical security and transportation within the cannabis industry. It also provides corporate knowledge and experience in diverse environments and sectors across Canada and Internationally including cannabis, critical infrastructure, non-core policing, oil and gas, and mining.

GREY:SAYFF - Post by User

Comment by Bever73on Jan 13, 2020 3:15am
Post# 30545233

RE:RE:Wash trade?

RE:RE:Wash trade?Maybe true but what is the point? This Q and the next q will.likely be "o.k." ...but what about after that when these pot co's start Cutting back on expenses and handle their own security or hire a different firm. There are no margins in this industry and the public nature will.just lead to alot of shareholder money paying corporate salaries and expenses cuz the margins paper thin.
DiamondBoy1 wrote: I was implying that something was fishy. The investment was over 17 million in late October 2018, but the transaction fee was 1 million. Either way their 20 million shares cost 16 or $17 million and the company has over 150,000 shares on the street. It is very strange that the people who funded this company would except such a small position. Catastrophically poor judgement seems unlikely - 16 million has a way of making people focused and serious. Strange.

As an operating company they still have hope, it could work at low margins and minimal profit and just kind of limp along. In the first 3 quarters of this year they lost 10 million, maybe they can break even in Q4 and then build from there. They have 4 million of working capital, so some room to manoeuvre.

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