Cash flow should be better in 2020Cash flow should be better in 2020
money from assets sold in 2019 should be coming in this year -
more globals to be delivered in 2020-
where is my buddy CSERIES-he should be able to tell us how many have been shipped so far this quarter-
As far as Mirabel and the A500 put the money in and get rewarded later-
-the Quebec Government would be happy -
jobs would remain in Quebec and The Bomber would benefit from this program -
remember Telsa they were in a similar situation and look where their stock is -
i know it 's a different sector but similar in many aspects-
Is Bellemare and his team fishing for more money -
for a short period of time i say yes but the overall picture will improve in the 2nd quarter of 2020-as the monies will come in
Lots of questions for Bellemare on Feb 13th-should make for an interesting day